Paweł Szpyt is a software developer

Paweł Szpyt

I am a software developer with over 12 years of commercial experience in writing enterprise backend software. Currently working on an indie 2D action / deckbuilding game, visit this website later to get the news. Also, I am writing GPTs to enhance user experience. This site was created with assistance of my general-purpose GPT Contextual Guide.

My public GPTs

Contextual Guide

Contextual Guide: General purpose AI that follows your instructions more carefully than original ChatGPT. It can remember your preferences or other information about you between sessions - if you want it to remember them, just say so. If you have any observations or suggestions for improvements, please feel free to contact me. Try it out!

Clear Concept

Clear Concept: General purpose AI tailored to provide concise and simple explanations, without overwhelming the user. If you want to get a quick grasp of a concept, idea, historic event, or get an easy-to-understand answer for a difficult question, this GPT is just for you. Try it out!

GameDev Buddy

GameDev Buddy: AI tailored for game developers of all skill levels. Is equipped with set of instructions to improve code quality, to include all necessary imports, to optimize code performance and more. I use it while developing my own game and I tweak its instructions often, keeping in mind that I want it to be as universal as possible without compromising accuracy. Just like my other models, it can remember your preferences (like game engine in use - if any, programming language, game type, genre - and more) or other information about you between sessions, and will ask you if you want it to remember them when you provide information about you or general preferences. Try it out!

So you're saying

So you're saying: Entertainment AI designed to be confusing and misunderstanding. This one on the, other hand, will not store your information between sessions, as hopefully this behaviour will provide even more confusion and frustration. Try it out!